Suffering from hyperacusis and tinnitus in a mild form since 1992 when I had an acoustic accident while I was using a headset, and having experienced an almost total recovery during the time I was living in South Korea, in 2006 due to several unexpected exposures to loud noises my situation became severe and forced me to stop all my activities by the end of the year, starting a confinement at home for an indefinite period of time.
It was a very difficult time with strong feelings of frustration. I was totally unable to play any musical instrument and to listen to music even in a low level.
I seemed to be that by this way, all my projects and musical activities were reaching their last stage.
However, it was in the middle of this isolation that I began to have an unsuspected sensorial and musical experience which was completely different from everything I had listened, performed and composed before, opening a new potential way to follow despite of my great limitations and problems at that moment.
Habiendo padecido de hiperacusia y acúfenos moderados desde el año 1992 debido a un accidente acústico, y habiendo experimentado una remisión casi total de estas molestias mientras estuve en Corea del Sur, el año
Fue un momento sumamente difícil y cargado de frustración. Estaba totalmente imposibilitado de tocar algún instrumento musical y de escuchar música inclusive a bajo volumen.
Parecía que de esta manera mis proyectos y actividades musicales llegaban a su fin.
Sin embargo fue en medio de este aislamiento que comencé a tener una experiencia sensorial y musical insospechada y completamente distinta a todo lo que había escuchado, interpretado y compuesto anteriormente, abriéndome un camino potencial a seguir aún en medio de las grandes limitaciones y padecimientos que tenía en ese momento.